Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Three Brothers: Concerto, 3, Fortissimo, 3 and A Major, 1

The three brothers bred by Leland Neff are by his 17 hand stallion Private Prince out of Song a section A Welsh pony.

Bred by Leland Neff, Three Brothers: Concerto, 3, Fortissimo, 3 and A Major, 1

Three Brothers: Concerto, 3, Fortissimo, 3 and A Major, 1

Bay: Concerto, three year old half welsh half thoroughbred pony by my stallion Prince of of Song
Chestnut with flaxen mane and tail: Fortissimo, two and full brother to Concerto
Red Roan: A Major yearling and full brother to Concerto and Fortissimo.